Empower Leadership Through
Data Science & Machine Learning Mastery

Ignite Success with guaranteed placement

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    Details of our Courses


    2nd February, 2024


    12 Months


    Mon - Fri 10:00 - 7:00 PM


    English, Hindi

    Technical Know-How

    No pre-requisites


    Valid PAN Card & Aadhar Card


    A laptop & stable internet connection


    Your proper dedication towards learning

    Ready to embark on a thrilling expedition into the realm of Data Science & Machine Learning? Our comprehensive course is designed for enthusiasts of all levels, providing a holistic learning experience. You’ll explore the entire spectrum by starting with essential principles and advancing to sophisticated algorithms.

    Immerse yourself in Python for Data Science, navigating through essential libraries like Pandas and NumPy. Delve into statistical modeling, explore machine learning algorithms, and unlock the potential of frameworks. Gain hands-on expertise through engaging projects that simulate real-world scenarios.

    What’s truly exciting is our commitment to your success. Upon completion, receive a prestigious certificate recognizing your Data Science and Machine Learning mastery. Moreover, benefit from our dedicated job placement support, empowering you to step into the industry and secure rewarding positions confidently.

    Check if any of these resonate
    with you

    Starting programming from ground zero
    Eager to transition from a non-technical to a technical career
    Unfamiliar with any programming languages
    Want to switch careers from a non-technical to a technical one
    Dreaming of earning a seven-figure income
    If you have chosen one, this course is precisely tailored to your needs!


    Master the complexities of coding through live projects, personalized mentorship from IT experts, and comprehensive interview readiness.

    Software Based Analytics

    Introduction to Data Science

    • Understanding Data & Information
    • Why do businesses care about data?
    • What is data analysis? Two ways of analyzing data.
    • Understand data-driven decision-making
    • Understand the jargon of the data world – AI, ML, DL, etc.

    Data Analysis using PowerBI

    • Introduction to PowerBI
    • Data Shaping and Enhancing Data Structures
    • Designing Data Model
    • Working with DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)
    • Making Reports & Dashboards
    • Performing Advanced Analytics
    • Managing Datasets

    Data Analysis using Google Spreadsheets & Excel

    • Introduction to Google Spreadsheets
    • Basic Functions & Referencing
    • Merging & Looking Up Data
    • Making Better decisions with IF
    • Data Cleaning Techniques
    • Working with text
    • Data Manipulation
    • PivotTables
    • Visualizing Data using spreadsheets
    • Building Interactive Dashboards

    Working with Databases

    Introduction to Databases and SQL

    • Foundations of Databases
    • Creating ER (Entity-Relationship) Diagrams
    • Working with SQL tables
    • Create & Alter Schemas
    • Insert, Update and Delete records in table
    • Filtering Data
    • Merging Data using Joins
    • Subqueries
    • Grouping & Aggregating Data
    • Summarizing Data

    Data analytics using Advanced SQL

    • Window Functions
    • CTEs
    • Views and Temp Tables
    • Stored Procedures
    • Advanced SQL Functions

    2D Arrays

    • Traversals
    • Transformation
    • Modification
    • 2D Array Rotation
    • 2D Array in real life


    • Social Media Performance Dashboard
    • Fraud Detection
    • Analysing Carbon Emission
    • HR Performance dashboard

    Python Programming

    Programming with Python

    • Introduction to Programming & Python
    • Using variables with print() and input()
    • Branching: Decision Making with Conditional Statements
    • Looping: Repeating instructions using “for” & “while” loops
    • Improving looping logic using “break” and “continue”
    • Jumping: Basics of Functions
    • Lists, Tuples, Strings, Sets
    • Dictionaries
    • Deep Dive into Operators & Data Types
    • Lambda Functions, Iterators & Generators
    • File Handling
    • Modules
    • Web Scraping using BeautifulSoup
    • Working with Selenium
    • APIs

    Generative AI

    • Introduction to LLMs
    • Prompt Engineering
    • Applications of modern generative AI Tools

    Data Analytics in Python

    Exploratory Data Analytics(EDA) using Python

    • Numpy Arrays
    • Pandas Dataframe
    • Data Loading, Storage & File Formats
    • Data Cleaning & Preparation
    • Data Wrangling: Join, Combine & Reshape
    • Data Aggregation & Group Operations
    • Introduction to Plotting using Matplotlib
    • More on Plotting Styles using Seaborn

    Case Study Projects

    • Cred Business Model
    • Why Jabong Failed?
    • Tesla entry in India
    • Failure of Starbucks in Australia
    • Future of Ethanol powered vehicles

    Probability and Statistics

    • Statistical Inference
    • Population Vs Sample
    • Frequency Distributions
    • Descriptive Measures
    • Central Tendency
    • Permutation and Combination
    • Independent events
    • Normal Distribution
    • Hypothesis Testing
    • Shapiro Wilk Test, T-test, Chi-square test
    • Data Pre-processing
    • Null and Outlier Handling

    Capstone Projects

    • How Uber finds it’s nearest user
    • Job Analytics through LinkedIn
    • E-Commerce recommendation system
    • Becoming Investment Advisor using Analytics

    Machine Learning & NLP

    Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn

    • What is Machine Learning?
    • Data v/s information
    • ML Applications
    • Types of Machine Learning
    • Linear Regression
    • Optimising Linear regression
    • Polynomial Regression
    • Bias-variance tradeoff
    • Logistic Regression
    • Decision Tree
    • Ensemble Techniques
    • Random Forest
    • Feature Engineering Techniques
    • PCA

    Natural Language Processing

    • Text Preprocessing: Tokenization, Lemmatization, Stopword Removal
    • Word Frequency Analysis & Visualization
    • Regular Expressions for Pattern Matching
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • Named Entity Recognition (NER) using SpaCy
    • Feature Extraction using Bag-of-words & TF-IDF
    • Natural Language Processing


    • Stock Price Prediction
    • Credit Card Fraud detection
    • Twitter Sentiment Analysis
    • Concrete Strength Prediction
    • Doctor Fees Prediction

    Deep Learning and Introduction to AWS Cloud

    Introduction to Deep Learning with Tensorflow & Keras

    • Introduction to Neural Networks
    • Activation Function
    • Feed Forward Neural Networks
    • Back Propagation
    • Regression using Tensorflow and Keras

    Cloud computing using AWS

    • Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS
    • IAM roles
    • Exploring s3, VPC
    • Data warehousing using Redshift
    • Data visualisation using Quicksight

    Career Preparation Series

    Practice Marathon

    • SQL
    • Excel
    • Python
    • EDA using python
    • ML
    • Business Skills
    • Power BI

    Interview Preparation

    • Resume Building
    • Linkedin Building
    • Github
    • HR Interview Discussion

    Mock Interviews

    • Data Analyst
    • Business Analyst
    • Data Scientist
    • Business Intelligence Analyst

    Capstone Project

    • Project Planning
    • Teamwork
    • Portfolio Building
    • Presentation
    Let the Numbers tell our Story!


    Live Projects


    IT Experts


    Job Placements


    Lucrative Courses

    Our students are placed as
    Fullstack Engineer
    Frontend Engineer
    Backend Developer
    Web Developer
    Software Developer Engineer

    Achieve your dreams effortlessly
    with top companies

    Discover the benefits of the Data Science & Machine Learning Course:

    • Gain invaluable mentorship from industry leaders, sharpening practical skills through hands-on projects.
    • Build valuable skills to boost your career and help you earn more in Data Science & Machine Learning.
    • Upon course completion, tap into dedicated placement assistance, setting the course for a thriving career journey.

    Upon completing this course, you will:

    • Create sophisticated data-driven applications confidently.
    • Write optimized, scalable code for machine learning.
    • Land lucrative tech jobs with Data Science & Machine Learning expertise!
    Open the gateway to your career aspirations, step by step!

    Fee starting from as low as

    No Cost EMI 100% Job Guarantee
    • All degrees/branches supported
    • Easy monthly EMIs
    Total Fee : ₹1.5L ₹75,000
    (Plus GST)

    Get Certified

    Upon successful completion of the course, you'll be awarded a prestigious certificate validating your expertise in Data Science & Machine Learning. This credential serves as a testament to elevate your profile as a distinguished professional, amplifying your credibility within the industry.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    While a background in programming and mathematics is beneficial, our course caters to individuals with diverse skill levels. Our curriculum is designed to accommodate beginners and experienced learners alike, providing the necessary foundational knowledge required to excel in Data Science & Machine Learning.

    Throughout the course, you’ll gain proficiency in various tools and technologies essential in the field of Data Science & Machine Learning. These include but are not limited to programming languages like Python, essential libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and TensorFlow, data visualization tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn, as well as frameworks for machine learning and deep learning.

    Our course is designed to equip you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for a successful career in Data Science & Machine Learning. By completing this course, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of core concepts, practical experience through hands-on projects, and the ability to apply machine learning algorithms to real-world problems. Additionally, our job placement assistance will support you in leveraging your newfound expertise to explore career opportunities in this rapidly growing field.